Mad Old Nut Introduces Apart But Together Remote Solution for Editors

Mad Old Nut Introduces Apart But Together Remote Solution for Editors

Leading post production technology and services innovator Mad Old Nut Productions, Inc. has unveiled a revolutionary new offering, Apart But Together (ABT), a lagless remote editing solution for editors that delivers 99% of the office experience, 100% of the time. 

At the start of the pandemic, it became apparent to the team at Mad Old Nut that editors were frustrated with existing work-from-home technologies; and they set out to create a technology that emulated the experience of the cutting room. That meant recreating a shared storage experience anywhere, which allowed editors a full office experience. Working with ABT, editors can move between home and office systems seamlessly as needed just as if they are in the office working on a shared storage system. Since the start of the pandemic  ABT has been in extensive use by the editors of Riverdale, Supergirl, Kung Fu, and many others.   

“Our clients were working with the existing WFH technologies, but we saw a way to make them work more efficiently and collaboratively,” said Todd Ulman, Mad Old Nut CEO. “We were thrilled to be able to offer them something that truly replicates the feel of working on site. From bin sharing and bin locks to getting dailies pushed at home to seamless transitions between office and home systems, the only things they’re missing with ABT are the commute and mediocre office coffee. ABT is always encrypted and fully secure and has none of the lag inherent to RDP. Other systems require you to have an engineering degree to manage moving media, ours does it automatically. ” 

Built to work seamlessly with AVID, the traditional experience is unchanged for editors. ABT uses enterprise level hardware and proprietary software to emulate the NEXIS shared environment editors would normally have in the office, recreating that office experience with none of the delays of remote desktop workflows. 

“Initial customer feedback has been tremendous,” continued Ulman. “We’re hearing that with ABT people don’t ever want to go back to the office, which is the highest compliment we can imagine. We were aiming for 99% of the office experience, anywhere, anytime and on 7 shows and with over 50 editors editors, we have succeeded ” 

ABT powered AVID rentals are available now. To learn more, visit

About Mad Old Nut

Mad Old Nut is a progressive, technology focused post-production innovator with offices in Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Vancouver and New York City. Founded in 2007 by film and television producer Todd Ulman, Mad Old Nut provides innovative solutions, service that eliminates headaches, and incredible value for your production dollar.